We published a new open-access contribution in the Journal of Political Studies on the Transnational Political Interest of Voters in Germany and Türkiye with data from the Immigrant German Election Study I.
Goerres, A., Elis, J., Mayer, S. J., & Spies, D. C. (2025). Integration in the Host Country, Mean Political Interest and Focus Shift towards Host Country Politics: Patterns of Transnational Political Interest among Germans from Turkey. Political Studies, 00323217241308720.
I have sucesfully defended my dissertation "Following the Hard-to-Survey Electorate of Immigrant-Origin Voters Through a National Election Campaign in a Post-Industrial City in Germany".
I am so thankful for the support by my colleagues from the IMGES team and from the Working Group of Empirical Political Science @UDE.
We published a paper on charitable giving behaviour with fieldwork data from the IMGES II. It is open access.
Elis, J., Mayer, S. J., Goerres, A. (2024). Are Charitable Donations a Luxury Good of the Rich? Evidence from a Survey and Actual Behavior in a Superdiverse Metropolis. Social Science Quarterly.
We published a new open-access contribution in Electoral Studies on surveying immigrant-origin voters in the Immigrant German Election Study I.
Mayer, S. J., Goerres, A., Spies, D. C., Garcia, M. D., & Elis, J. (2024). Surveying immigrant-origin voters in a post-migrant society: The first Immigrant German Election Study, 2017. Electoral Studies, 89, 102773.
There is a new Blog post by Manuel Diaz-Garcia and myself on a measure of surname diversity as an expression of social closure/openness. We also provide replication material as R- and Python-scripts.
New project publication on the weighting strategy of the IMGES II: Elis, J. Goerres, A. (2023): Survey Weights of the Immigrant German Election Study II Data Set
"Comparing the mobilising effects of in-person canvassing to postal reminders–experimental evidence from a longitudinal election study" is now available open access.
Elis, J., Goerres, A., Mayer, S. J., & Spies, D. C. (2023). Comparing the mobilising effects of in-person canvassing to postal reminders–experimental evidence from a longitudinal election study. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-7.
Russlanddeutsche und die Alternative für Deutschland: Die Bedeutung von Migrationsgeschichte und Identität
I am currently staying at the University of Copenhagen for a research visit kindly hosted by Carolin Hjort Rapp at the Department of Political Science. I will talk about new findings from the Immigrant German Election Study II .
I recently presented work from the Immigrant German Election Study II at the ESRA Conference in Milano, Italy.
I recently presented work from the Immigrant German Election Study II at the EPSA Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
This summer term, I will be teaching a course together with Jakob Kemper , Johanna Plenter and Paul Vierus on how the programming language Python can be applied in social sciences.
Click here for more information or send your questions to python.powi at gmail.com!
My first publication as first author is now online. Together with my PHD supervisor Prof. Achim Goerres at the University of Duisburg-Essen , Prof. Sabrina J. Mayer and Dennis Spies we report in the effects of in-person canvassing in the IMGES II survey mobilization stage. The research note will be available open access soon.
Elis, J., Goerres, A., Mayer, S. J., & Spies, D. C. (2023). Comparing the mobilising effects of in-person canvassing to postal reminders–experimental evidence from a longitudinal election study. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-7.
A new co-authored contribution by me, together with Hayfat Hamidou-Schmidt has been published in the new book Rassismusforschung I. Open Access for everyone and everywhere to read (in German)!
Hamidou-Schmidt, H. & Elis, J. (2023): Wie rassistische Einstellungen gemessen werden: Rassimuskonzepte und Messinstrumente in quantitativen Verfahren. In: Rassismusforschung I: Theoretische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Nationaler Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitor (Hg.)
A bundle of newly registered grounds at the wonderful Groundhopping website europlan-online.de from my previous visit to Ghana is now available.
This includes, for example, St. Aquinas High School or MATs Park , located on a military site, as well as other grounds of the former Jordan-Anagblah-Trophy that replaced regular league football in 2019.
UDE university communication channels are currently down due to a cyber attack. Please contact me at jonaselis.ude (at) gmail.com.
My most recent publications, especially from the IMGES II , can now be found here.
Instructions on how to set up a turkish Passolig account in order to attend professional football games in Türkiye.
A short report on helpful websites and strategies for attending football games in Montenegro.
Welcome to the new website. I will publish updates on my research as well as reports on countries visited for football.