Journal Articles
Elis, J., Mayer, S. J. & Goerres, A. (2024). Are Charitable Donations a Luxury Good of the Rich? Evidence from a Survey and Actual Behaviour in a Super-diverse Metropolis. Social Science Quarterly.
Mayer, S. J., Goerres, A., Spies, D. C., Garcia, M. D. & Elis, J. (2024). Surveying immigrant-origin voters in a post-migrant society: The first Immigrant German Election Study, 2017. Electoral Studies, 89, 102773.
Elis, J., Goerres, A., Mayer, S. J., & Spies, D. C. (2023): Comparing the mobilising effects of in-person canvassing to postal reminders–experimental evidence from a longitudinal election study. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-7.
Spies, D. C., Mayer, S. J., Elis, J. & Goerres, A. (2022): Why do immigrants support an anti-immigrant party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany. West European Politics, 1-25.
Book Chapters
Media Appearances
WDR5 Radio Westblick, 07. Januar 2025: Büdchen können helfen Wahlbeteiligung zu steigern
BR24 Faktenfuchs, 14. Juni 2024: Kein Mandat für Erdogan-nahe Dava-Partei
Further Press Coverage
Please follow the IMGES website for recent press coverage on the project I am currently working in.
Project Publications
Elis, J. & Goerres, A. (2023): Survey Weights of the Immigrant German Election Study II Data Set
Goerres, A., Mayer, S. J., & Elis, J. (2022): Die Wahlbeteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mit familiärer Migrationsgeschichte. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Förderung.
Goerres, A., Mayer, S. J., Spies, D. C. & Elis, J. (2022): Wählerinnen und Wähler mit Einwanderungsgeschichte im Bundestagswahlkampf: Erste Ergebnisse der Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II) aus Duisburg von Mai bis November 2021.
Elis, J. and Goerres, A., Mayer, S. J. & Spies, D. C. (2022): Mobilising Immigrant-Origin Voters into Survey Participation: The Effect of In-Person Canvassing Versus Postal Reminders on Response Rates in a Longitudinal Election Survey.
Goerres, A., Elis, J. and Mayer, S. J. & Spies, D. C. (2021): Integration and Transnational Political Interest among Immigrant-Origin Voters: An Analysis of Germans from Turkey and their Children in the Immigrant German Election Study 2017.
Goerres, A., Elis, J., Mayer, S. J. & Spies, D. C. (2021): How to Increase Survey Response and Manage the Postal and Face-to-Face Field Work of Participant Recruitment during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Note with Preliminary Evidence from Immigrant-Origin and Native Voters in a German Metropolis in Spring 2021.
Morales, L., Méndez Lago, M., Bergh, J., Bernat, A., Heider Hov, D., Saji, A. & Elis, J. (2021 - Update): ETHMIGSURVEYDATA Survey Metadata Collection Template
Project and Data Set Collaboration
Schrenker M., Lietz. A. & Elis, J. (2021): Postmigrantische Gesellschaften: Ost-Migrantische Analogien. Daten- und Methodenbericht (Version 1.1.0). Deutsches Zentrum fur Integrations-und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM). Berlin.
Goerres, A., Vanhuysse, P., Krause, S. & Elis, J. (2020): Global Political Demography Database, Version 1.4.1.
Goerres, A., Spies, D. C. & Mayer, S. J. (2020): Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES). GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA7495 Datenfile Version 1.0.1.
Blog Posts
Jonas Elis, Jakob Kemper, Johanna Plenter & Paul Vierus (2024): Python in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methodenlehre: Motivation und Erfahrungsbericht eines Lehrprojekts
Jonas Elis und Manuel Diaz Garcia (2023) Russlanddeutsche und die Alternative für Deutschland: Die Bedeutung von Migrationsgeschichte und Identität
EPSA 2023 Conference, Glasgow: Accumulating Differences Across the Political Life Cycle: Socialisation, Resources and the Mobilisation to Vote Among Immigrant-Origin and Native Voters
EPSA 2023 Conference, Glasgow: Explaining Unit-nonresponse and Panel Attrition Among Immigrant-origin Voters in an Address-based Local Campaign Panel Survey
Jahrestagung AK Wahlen und politische Einstellungen der DVPW, Friedrichshafen: Where do Social Conservative Immigrant-origin Voters Go?
Annual Meeting Section Methods of Political Science (DVPW), Göttingen: Unit-nonresponse and Panel Attrition in a Local Campaign Survey of Immigrant-origin Voters Sampled from a Population Register
24 h of Political Psychology 2023, Bielefeld: Explaining Unit-nonresponse and Panel Attrition Among Immigrant-origin Voters in an Address-based Local Campaign Panel Survey
ISPP 2022 Athens: Explaining Turnout among Immigrant-Origin and Native Voters
EPSA 2022 Praha: Integration and Transnational Political Interest among Immigrant-Origin Voters: An Analysis of Germans from Turkey and their Children in the Immigrant German Election Study
EPSA 2022 Praha: Explaining Turnout among Immigrant-Origin and Native Voters
Jahrestagung AK Wahlen und politische Einstellungen der DVPW Berlin: Explaining Turnout among Immigrant-Origin and Native Voters
FReDA Methodenworkshop 2022 Wiesbaden: Wie mobilisiert man Wähler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund in der Großstadt während eines Teillockdowns? Erfahrungen mitder Panelbefragung Immigrant German Election Study II
24 h of Political Psychology 2022, Chemnitz (digital): Integration and Transnational Political Interest among Immigrant-Origin Voters: An Analysis of Germans from Turkey and their Children in the Immigrant German Election Study
Research Visits
University of Copenhagen - Københavns Universitet, August 2023: Visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science, supervised by Carolin Hjort Rapp
Institute for Social Research, November 2018: COST Action Short Term Scientific Mission, supervised by Johannes Bergh
List of Co-authors
This is a list of all the article and blog co-authors I have worked with on the above projects. I am so grateful for everything I have learnt from and with them :)
(alphabetical order)